This lavished guesthouse we stayed in tho... Formally known as Ripley- Simply Gorgeous. You can stay there if you want to stay in Bowral; our family rents it out for events.

This lavished guesthouse we stayed in tho… Formally known as Ripley- Absolutely Gorgeous. You can stay there if you want to stay in Bowral; our family rents it out for events.

Baby brother.

Baby brother.

StuartBeachDec2013-2 copy StuartBeachDec2013-3 StuartBeachDec2013-4

Kiama Beach.

Kiama Beach.

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

StuartBeachDec2013-6 StuartBeachDec2013-7

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Fitzroy Falls

Fitzroy Falls

Dorrigo Skywalk

Dorrigo Skywalk

Kiama Beach

Kiama Beach

Sidenote: these are the last of my photos from 2013 and so this will be my last WordPress  post! Everything from 2014 onwards will be posted at:


December 9, 2013

Felt like doing some self-portraits today for no good reason other than being inspired (◕‿◕✿)

Eyes-2 Eyes-1

Halloween Pt. 2

November 4, 2013

I was too indecisive until literally the day of Halloween, so at the last minute I threw together a Morticia Addams (kinda) costume and snapped a quick self-portrait.


Impromptu shoots are the best.

JessWonderWoman-6 copy JessWonderWoman-5 JessWonderWoman-3 JessWonderWoman-4 JessWonderWoman-1

ImageA photo from an assignment from one of my last 5 classes ever in Geneva, Switzerland! How crazy.